Space phenomena in this past year
Space phenomena in this past year

space phenomena in this past year

Be sure to check out why we call it a quarter Moon and not a half Moon. July 25: The First Quarter Moon will be back in view on July 25 at 6:07 P.M. You can also see that Venus is in a crescent phase with binoculars! Look for a red “star” as the planet’s brightness matches the Big Dipper’s stars. Note: Mars is now at its dimmest of the year at magnitude +1.8. Also, Regulus, the brightest star in Leo the Lion, is shining between the Moon and Venus! Now below them both is very bright Venus. July 20: At 9 P.M., the crescent Moon will appear right next to Mars the red planet hovers just to the left of the Moon. July 19: On Wednesday, the Moon will climb a little higher and nearest to dazzling Venus. Mercury will be poised just to the left of the thin crescent Moon, with Venus a bit further to the left.

space phenomena in this past year

July 18: On the Tuesday, look west after sunset for a very slim waxing crescent Moon low on the horizon. Perhaps it is time to venture into the garden and plant a few mid-summer crops. July 17: At 2:32 P.M., the New Moon makes an appearance… or rather, a disappearance? According to the age-old practice of planting the Moon, the ground is the most fertile and wet during the new Moon and the days after. To top it all off, the Last Quarter Moon is shining bright at 9:48 P.M. Each evening, Mercury will be brighter and higher in the sky as it traverses the horizon. At the same time, Mercury begins an evening star apparition, starting low in the west with a magnitude of -1. July 9: Tonight, Mars will start a close conjunction with Regulus the two will be paired up until July 11. Night Sky February 2023: Visible Planets, Stars, Moon

space phenomena in this past year

July 5: In case July 4 was cloudy or you merely want a curtain call, yesterday evening’s fabulous three-way conjunction repeats itself. At roughly 9 to 9:15 PM in the west, orange Mars hovers between Leo’s famous blue star Regulus and super-dazzling Venus, now at its brightest as an Evening Star at a shadow-casting magnitude of -4.7. July 4: Millions will see but not be able to identify this fine conjunction as they await the start of Independence Day fireworks. this will certainly make for dramatic fireworks displays.

Space phenomena in this past year full#

July 3: A Full Moon on the eve of Independence Day! The Full Buck Moon will be on full display at 7:39 A.M. > Venus has been at her brightest in 8 years through early July! See why in the most latest post. Our neighboring planets, Venus and Mars, meet for a close conjunction, though red Mars is dimming now. July 1: Tonight, Venus will be at its very brightest of the year and a sight to behold with a magnitude of -4.7, dazzling next to the blue star Regulus (Leo’s brilliant brightest star). Plus, see a full Moon on the eve of Independence Day! All the planets are shifting back to the night sky this month. July begins with a gorgeous planetary event that you won’t want to miss! Head outside on July 1 during twilight to see Venus and Mars meet.

Space phenomena in this past year